Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Louis Jesuits Group - 30 Year Anniversary Celebration

The St Louis Jesuits, liturgical music icons from the 1970s, are back together and have released their first album in more than 20 years.

Morning Light is the seventh recording for the St Louis Jesuits-Dan Schutte and Jesuit Frs Bob Dufford, John Foley, and Roc O'Connor-who were known for such songs as "Blest Be the Lord," "Lift Up Your Hearts," and "Sing a New Song."

In the mid 1980s, various assignments moved the men to different parts of the country, and Schutte left the Society of Jesus. These changes made it difficult to record music together, said Fr O'Connor, a theology professor at Creighton University.

"It just seemed like it was a time for each of us to try something on our own," he said. Since that time, all four have released solo CDs.

Fans of the St Louis Jesuits' music will find comfort in the songs on Morning Light as its sound is much the same as their earlier sound. But there are some surprising pieces as well, arising "from life experience and the ups and downs that we've all faced," Fr O'Connor said.

In a recent online poll sponsored by the National Association of Pastoral Musicians in which respondents could vote for only one liturgical song that most fostered and nourished the respondent's life, songs by the St Louis Jesuits-"Here I Am, Lord" and "Be Not Afraid"-came in second and third ("On Eagle's Wings" by Michael Joncas was first).

In the spring, the group will do live performances in Washington, St Louis, Chicago, and Anaheim, Calif.

The Morning Light CD is $17.00 and is available online at Pilgrim Music or calling toll free at: 1-866-851-5391

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