The music for the Papal liturgies in New York is eclectic but weighted in an excellent direction.
Exclusive: Music for N.Y.'s Papal Liturgies
Dr. Jennifer Pascual, director of music at St. Patrick's Cathedral, is no stranger to providing music for the Pope. During Pope John Paul II's 1995 Mass in Central Park, Pascual was a member of the choir that sang for the Pope. This time around she has a much larger responsibility. She's overseeing all of the music for the liturgical events taking place in New York. I spoke with her this week, and she was kind enough to provide a list of the music being performed at the various events, and the performers taking part in the events. Here is that complete list, which has not appeared anywhere else publicly as of yet.
St. Joseph, Yorkville – Ecumenical Service: April 18, 2008
Stephen Black, Director of Music and Organist, St. Joseph, Yorkville
Choir of St. Joseph, Yorkville
Dr. Jennifer Pascual, Director of Music and Organist, Cathedral of St. Patrick
Donald Dumler, Principal Organist, Cathedral of St. Patrick
Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir
In dir ist Freude – J.S. Bach (organ)
Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether – Harold Friedell (congregation and choir)
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden – J.S. Bach (choir)
Lord’s Prayer (congregation)
Now Thank We All our God (congregation)
Allegro assai vivace from Sonata No. 1 in F minor – Felix Mendelssohn (organ)
St. Patrick Cathedral – Celebration of the Eucharist: April 19, 2008
Dr. Jennifer Pascual, Director of Music and Organist, Cathedral of St. Patrick
Donald Dumler, Principal Organist, Cathedral of St. Patrick
Cathedral of Saint Patrick Choir and Orchestra
Drew Santini, Cantor
Sr. Maria Emmanuel, S.V., Psalmist
Entrance of the Holy Father:
Christus Vincit – arr. Nicolai Montani, orch. Dr. Peter Latona
Music for Mass:
O God, Beyond All Praising – arr. Deborah Jamini
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus – Johann Singenberger, arr. Deborah Jamini
Kyrie - Missa de Angelis
Gloria from Messe in C, Op.169 – Josef Rheinberger
Psalm – Dr. Jennifer Pascual
Alleluia (O filii et filiae) – arr. Wm. Glenn Osborne
Trilingual Intercessions – Michael Hay, orch. Wm. Glenn Osborne
Ave Maria – Franz Biebl
Sanctus – Missa de Angelis
Christ Has Died/ Amen – Danish Mass, orch. Wm. Glenn Osborne
Agnus Dei from Messe in C, Op.169 – Josef Rheinberger
(TBD) Salvatore Licitra, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera
Ego Sum Panis Vivus – Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina
O Sacrum Convivium – Dom Lorenzo Perosi
Ave Verum- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I am the Bread of Life/ Yo Soy el Pan de Vida – Suzanne Toolan, SM, orch. Johnnie Carl
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name – arr. Bruce Saylor
Hallelujah from The Mount of Olives – Ludwig van Beethoven
St. Joseph’s Seminary – Meeting with Young People Having Disabilities: April 19, 2008
Daniel Brondel, Director of Music and Organist, Cathedral of St. Patrick Young Singers
Cathedral of Patrick Young Singers
New York Archdiocesan Deaf Choir
Christus resurgentis – François Couperin (choir)
Take Lord, Receive – John Foley, S.J. (choirs and congregation)
Fugue in D, BWV 532 – J.S. Bach (organ)
St. Joseph’s Seminary – Meeting with Youth and Seminarians – April 19, 2008
Communion and Liberation, Christopher Vath, Director of Music
Richard Marrano, Organist
Christi Chiapetti, Cantor
Teng Fu, Pianist
America the Beautiful – Samuel A. Ward
Pan de Vida – Bob Hurd
Jesus, Remember Me – Jacques Berthier
One Bread, One Body – John Foley, S. J.
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name – Traditional
Ave Maria – Franz Schubert, Kelly Clarkson, American Idol Winner 2002
City of God – Daniel Schutte
Yankee Stadium – Celebration of the Eucharist: April 20, 2008
Dr. Jennifer Pascual, Director of Music/ Mass Conductor
New York Archdiocesan Festival Chorale
Cathedral of St. Patrick Choir
Ulster County Vicariate Choir, Michael Sweeney, Director of Music
Donald Dumler, Organist
John Des Marias, Cantor
Joe Simmons, Psalmist
Entrance of concelebrants:
Symphony No. 9 in D minor – Ludwig van Beethoven
I. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso
II. Molto vivace
Entrance of the Holy Father:
Hymnus Pontificius – Charles Gounod, arr. Alberico Vitalini
Dixit from Vesperae Solennes de Confessore – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Music for Mass:
Jesus is Risen/ Cristo Jesús Resucitó – arr. John Rutter
Tu es Petrus – Dom Lorenzo Perosi
Kyrie – from Litany of the Saints, adapt. Richard Proulx
Gloria from Missa O Magnum Mysterium – Tomás Luis da Victoria
Psalm – Dr. Jennifer Pascual
Alleluia (VICTORY) arr. Wm. Glenn Osborne
Credo III
Trilingual Intercessions – Michael Hay, orch. Wm. Glenn Osborne
How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place – Johannes Brahms
Sanctus from German Mass – Franz Schubert, adapt. Richard Proulx
Christ Has Died/ Amen - Franz Schubert, adapt. Richard Proulx
Agnus Dei from Missa O Magnum Mysterium – Tomás Luis da Victoria
Panis Angelicus – Cesár Franck, Marcello Giordani, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera
Sicut Cervus – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Ave Verum – Alexandre Guilmant, orch. Deborah Jamini
Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo - John Schiavonne, orch. Carl MaultsBy
Let Us Break Bread Together – arr. Carl MaultsBy
This is the Feast – Richard Hillert, arr. Richard Kidd
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee/ Jubilosos te Adoramos – from Hymn to Joy Fantasy – Bruce Saylor
Symphony No. 9 in D minor – Ludwig van Beethoven
IV. Presto
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