Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Songs That Make A Difference

In September 2005, the NPM conducted an online survey that invited Catholics to name a liturgical song "that has made a lasting impact on their own lives of faith". According to the NPM, more than 3,000 people responded to the survey. Here are the "Top 25".

1. On Eagle's Wings
2. Here I Am, Lord
3. Be Not Afraid
4. You Are Mine
5. How Great Thou Art
6. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
7. Amazing Grace
8. All Are Welcome
9. Prayer of St. Francis
10. Ave Maria
11. We Are Called
12. Let There Be Peace On Earth
13. I Am The Bread Of Life
14. The Summons
15. Panis Angelicus
16. The Servant Song - Gillard
17. Pescador de Hombres
18. The Servant Song - McGargill
19. Shepherd Me, O God
20. Ave Verum Corpus
21. Lord of the Dance
22. One Bread, One Body
23. Tantum Ergo
24. Hosea
25. Pange Lingua

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